
Michael Moore's Patriotism

I know that some of you (and you know who you are) heaved a sigh of relief when the latest obstacle was put in place to prevent the airing of Fahrenheit 9/11 before the election. "That fat guy was going to embarass us again...now we don't have to worry...He's such a loudmouth. And that ego! He travels around with all those people!" and so on... I think you need to read this piece called, .Michael Moore's Patriotism
Yes, of course, there are even some of the left who would prefer that Moore be a little more cautious in his comments, a little more mainstream in his critique. There are a lot of liberals who get scared when their tribunes start talking too much about issues of race, class and empire building.To our view, however, it is when Moore is blunt that he sounds most American.This country was not founded by polite people. The American revolution did not follow Robert's Rules of Order. The America experiment was launched in revolt against the existing order, against corrupt kings and their equally corrupt business partners. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and their kind rejected the divine right of kings; they did not believe that power should pass from one King George to another. And the best of their number, Tom Paine, preached the healing power of revolution - not just for America but for the world.
Well, guess what? It's not over until it's over...If "liberal" America manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, many will just crawl into their holes, or flee "to a better place." But you know what? Michael Moore will still be making films (even if he has to do it in secret). When did so many others become cowards?

For those of you who would like to hear Michael Moore's great interview on NPR's Fresh Air, it is
here. It was taped Thursday before the story of the F9/11 broadcast cancellation broke, but he does talk about it. Listen!


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