
The Way I Heard The Story...

These are disturbing times. The signs were everywhere, but most of us refused to really believe them and now are in a kind of shock. This isn't the only weblog that has become very irregular as we all try to regroup and figure out how to survive in the dark times ahead. When times get bad for me, I have the good fortune to hear some good "Coyote Stories", so I might as well share one.

Old Man Coyote told me this story quite a while ago, but it's strange how good stories don't go out of date. Ronald Reagan was still in office in those days, and times were bad, but now they're worse, so I think it's worth retelling. You may not be familiar with "Coyote Stories", but I think you'll get the idea that the characters represent types of behavior, so for instance, "White Man" is not necessarily based on an individual, but a way of thinking and behaving. There really isn't a "moral", and any lesson is up to you. You may have had a different experience, but this is just how I heard the story...

Coyote Gets A Job

Coyote was going along when, suddenly, he met his friend Fox. "My old friend, Coyote! How are you?" Fox inquired in a pleasant way. "I haven't seen you for a long time..."

"Oh, well, not so good. Times have been very hard for me and my family, and I'm afraid they're only getting worse. Our food is gone, and with winter coming on, I don't know what to do. My wife and children will surely starve..."

A look of sympathy crossed Fox's face, and then, after a moment of thought, he inquired, "Why not come and work at White Man's store with me? The work isn't bad and he has always treated me right. Of course, the pay is low. White Man pays me just enough to get by. But I'm eating at least! I know someday I'll get more. Now then, we can only pay you half as much as I make....but that's better than nothing at all!"

The cheerfully optimistic tone Fox used was so convincing that Coyote was swept along by his enthusiasm. Hunger had made him light-headed, and he didn't stop to think before replying, "Great! I'll come to work first thing tomorrow!"

Later, Coyote told his family about the new job, and they wept with joy at their change in fortune. All slept well that night believing the future would be better.

Coyote was at work early the next morning and each morning after that. He worked hard, always doing the best job he could. White Man and Fox seemed to like his efforts, and this gave Coyote greater hope for the days to come. And soon it was time to get paid...

The money was far less than he had hoped for. Coyote, however, was so overjoyed at having any money that he didn't protest when White Man justified the amount, saying, "Sorry...but that's all I can afford to give you. I've got bills, you know."

Coyote spent the money, buying as much food as possible with the little he had been paid. As he trudged home, leaning on his walking stick, a large, flashy car sped by. White Man leaned out from the passenger side and waved a fat hand, smiling in a friendly way.

"See you tomorrow -- make it early! Lots of work to do! We've got..." The rest was lost as the car moved on.
The family ate well that night, and for a few more nights, but after a time food began to run low again. Soon hunger returned. Not so quickly, or as much as before, yet Coyote was starving, getting weaker and weaker with each day.

His family knew of his condition, and secretly began to save what little food there was for Coyote, hoping to keep up his strength so he could continue to work. So each evening they pretended that they had finished their meal before Coyote came home, and the ruse worked well -- for awhile.

Late one day, after dragging himself wearily to his house, Coyote opened the door to find the emaciated bodies of his family, dead of starvation. Now he was both weak and alone, with barely the energy to sustain his grief. Morning came and Coyote returned to work, telling Fox and White Man of the tragedy.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. You had a wonderful wife, and children to be proud of," consoled Fox.

"Yes, a pity...Please feel free to take an extra half-hour for lunch," added White Man. "What a shame, a real shame..." he murmured into the air as he walked away.

Coyote worked that day, hiding his sadness, and in fact working harder to forget it. So the days went on, but each day took a greater and greater effort, as he grew gaunt from hunger. And sometimes he fainted due to his weakened state, but sooner or later Fox would come by, shake him awake, and work would continue.

Then came the day when this happened again, and as Fox discovered Coyote's motionless form, when attempting to rouse him, there was no response. Coyote was dead of starvation and overwork.

Fox continued for a time to prod the skin-and-bones corpse in the desperate hope of some last-minute miracle. Finally, he went to report the incident to White Man, who rushed to the scene in total disbelief.

"This is intolerable...and very inconvenient! I thought you told me you could trust this fellow...There's so much work to do, and no one left to do it!" White Man's growing anger made Fox afraid for his job, and he grasped for the right thing to say.

"Yes, it's really embarrassing! Coyote gave me a commitment. This shows how undependable some people can be! We'll never be able to get anyone else to work for those wages!" Of course, this last problem was the worst. It's so hard to get good people to work for next to nothing.

White Man continued to glower, until an explosion of built-up irritation burst forth. "I invested a lot in this fellow, and I intend to get it back -- somehow!"

He began to scratch his head as he thought aloud, "Now, let's see...how can I profit from this situation?" Muttering to himself unintelligibly, White Man began to pace. The tension became nearly unbearable for Fox. How could even such a one as White Man gain from a lifeless body?

But of course, Fox was underestimating his master. It was White Man's way to gain from any circumstance. He would have turned a profit on his own grandmother if she had been lying there instead -- dead or alive. And this was no different.

"You know, I've got it!" exclaimed White Man. "We'll use that flea-bitten pelt to make a rug...a nice coyote-skin throw rug. I'll bet I can make a few bucks on something like that!"

He started dancing around with delight, instantly relieving Fox's fears. "Go and get the Crow Boys. They're the right ones for this job! I want that rug made up and finished by tomorrow!"

Fox set out to search for the Crow Boys, that brother team of rug-makers...probably the best in town. He looked in all the usual places, their favorite loafing spots, and after some difficulty, found them relaxing in the back of one of the warehouses, drinking beer and already half drunk.

"Hey, get on your feet, you two lazy, good-for-nothing drunkards!" Fox demanded, shaking the brothers. "Our old friend, Coyote, has died!"

For one brief moment as he said this, a look of sadness crossed Fox's face, but coming to his senses, and snapping himself back into the real world, he said, "The important thing is that White Man wants you to skin the body and make up a nice, expensive rug, and he needs it by tomorrow!"

Weaving from side to side, the brothers attempted to focus their little blood-shot eyes on the form that seemed to be in constant motion in front of them, and only occasionally looked like Fox.

"Whatever White Man wants!" they chorused. "Just tell him we'll need a lot more beer. Rug-making is a hot and thirsty business!"

The Crow Boys began to gather their tools, and Fox ran off to fetch the beer. He knew they'd had enough, but if he kept them happy long enough to finish White Man's rug, then he'd be happy too. Luckily, White Man kept a refrigerator full of cheap beer which he used to lull his employees into believing that he was treating them right. And this always worked with the brothers, who were happy as long as the beer flowed, and often forgot to ask for pay. Fox soon returned with a six-pack and saw the two beside Coyote's body, taking measurements in a bumbling way, sometimes repeating the same measurement two or three times without realizing it. Finally, with a handful of scribbled notes, they walked back to their work bench, each grabbing a new beer.

"...'S gonna make a great rug!" one of them slurred loudly, reaching into their toolbox to retrieve a carpet-cutting knife. The other brother found a wicked little knife to match, and they approached Coyote's body again.

The razor blades of the two knives pierced Coyote's body almost simultaneously. And the same moment brought to the brothers' ears a sharp, wailing cry. Next, startled by words intoned in a very angry voice, they dropped the knives to look around in terror.

"Hey!! What do you drunken feather-heads think you're doing? I may look dead to you, but I'm not so dead that I can't feel a couple of idiots hacking away at my skin! I'm really mad now!"

With this, Coyote's limp form began to draw itself up in a fluid motion, slowly, inch by inch, until the body was fully erect. Signs of life began to appear...irritated twitchings of the tail, a bristling of the hair, and spasms of anger that crossed his face like angry waves driven by a storm of emotion.

"Coyote, don't be mad! We thought you were dead! White Man and Fox told us to make you into a rug. We would have never done such a thing while you were living! Don't be angry!" pleaded the Crow Boys in unison.

An intense rage glowed in the once-dead eyes of Coyote, and this was not at all a reassuring sign to the frightened brothers. His lips curved into a sneering snarl as he said, "Yes, I've allowed things to go far enough, and now is the time to make them right..."

"Please...our dear old friend..." the brothers squawked. "Have a beer and calm down!"

And along with the thoughts of revenge and swift justice that filled Coyote's mind, something greater had begun to stir within him as well -- hunger. The hunger that he had known for days and days without relief was now almost uncontrollable as life flowed back into him. Before him was the answer, the Crow Boys.

In an instant he snatched them,one in each hand. As he held them aloft by their skinny necks, the brothers' feet kicked wildly in the air. A quick motion of his wrists and it was over, the twins' necks neatly snapped.
Minutes later, remains of the two crows lay half-eaten on the floor, and Coyote reclined on a box with a full stomach, the first in a very long time. After a while, he hummed a little song as he knelt and began to wrap the left-overs in some old newspaper.

"Coyote, what have you done?" Fox demanded as he rushed in and saw spatters of blood everywhere. Then noticing the Crow Boys absence, he inquired hysterically, "What's that you're packing up there? Not the Crow Boys! White Man will have a fit when he finds out his best ruggers are gone, and there's no rug to boot! You know how he hates to lose money...Oh, and by the way, it's good to see you alive again, old friend..."

Fox continued to sputter and stammer, fretting nervously, and dancing around in his peculiar excited way. Coyote gazed at him calmly and without expression. He couldn't believe he had allowed himself to be so foolish. He had trusted Fox because he had been a respected friend, but only a simpleton viewed life with eyes turned to the past, instead of seeing the reality of the present. This was not really his old friend, but what his old friend had become. Fox had sold himself to White Man, and so too had Coyote, but only for a time!

Coyote couldn't bring himself to even be angry with Fox. His future as White Man's servant would be dismal enough punishment for his misdeeds. As for his master, well, he was just White Man and nothing would ever change him or make his ways any better. That's why they call him White Man.

A smile touched Coyote's lips as he thought of the ironic twists his life had taken. He had become White Man's pawn, and been victimized, but now his eyes were open and his stomach was full (at the Crow Boys' expense!) In fact, he still had enough to help him get by on the road ahead. Yes, he had been fooled, but he wasn't being fooled now.

"That's why they call me Coyote!"


War-buddies return

This was the cartoon published on the cover of The Carrion Crow in March, 1967. It was presented without a caption, but its subject matter was powerful enough to raise a stir both in the newspapers and on the radio. The sad irony is that the cartoon is still valid today.


Buyer's Remorse

It's an old story. You thought you were buying one thing, but you wake up in the morning and find out you've been bamboozled. You really ended up with something you didn't want, and now you're trying to figure out how you got it. Were you tricked? Were you cheated? If you call the store, they'll insist that there are no returns, but if you'll wait four years, you may have a chance for a trade-in. Subject to change without notice.


Why Did They Lie?

If they would lie about wolves, what else would they lie about?
Dubya's latest campaign ad has been answered by a group who should know:
Wolfpacks for Truth.org
They told us we were shooting a Greenpeace commercial!
When the camera crew showed up, we wondered why they were all driving Hummers. Our agent assured us it was a Greenpeace commercial and they paid TWICE our hourly steak rate. Little did we know we were being tricked into this vicious campaign attack ad.
We are not Terrorists!


Coyote's Scream for America

I've been thinking a lot about this illustration I did for a story about the 1989 earthquake, LOMA PRIETA: mean mother of men by Lynne Painter Wolf (a.k.a. Lin Wolf) -only this time the earthquake is destroying the country...


Obama Supports Sinclair?

I just had a very strange experience. Talking to a friend, we realized that the Barack Obama campaign ads were still running on right-wing Sinclair Broadcast affiliates in Illinois, and no statement had been made concerning their possible removal. So I decided to call and ask about it.

First, I called the Springfield office, and the cheery greeting turned otherwise when I asked my question, "What is the Obama campaign's position regarding the continuation of their campaign ads on Sinclair Broadcast affiliates?"

"No one here has talked about it." Then, after some prodding, "The Chicago office handles all the advertising." As I began another question, I was cut off, "Thanks for calling Obama Headquarters and thanks for your support," as the phone was hung up.

This was upsetting enough, but the worst was yet to come, as I dialed the Chicago number, and asked my question again.

"Uh....just a minute..."

Another voice: "Yes, may I help you?" and again a long silence when I asked the question. Then, "You'll have to fax your information, and someone will get back to you."

"Actually, I'm just trying to find out the answer to my question. What is the position of the Obama campaign..." and at this point I was interrupted.

"You'll have to fax your information..."

"I can't e-mail you?"

"No." came the reply as I stared at the e-mail address on the campaign's webpage.

"But I'm just trying to find out information...Let me explain..."

"No, I can't talk to you..." and the telephone was abruptly hung up.

What is going on with Barack Obama's campaign? Has he become out of touch with real issues? These ads are not needed. I have never seen a Keyes ad on Springfield's Sinclair station. And this is a real matter of principle. What is the problem?

If you would like a similar mind-numbing experience, you may contact Barack Obama's Springfield office at 627 East Adams, Springfield, IL 62701 or telephone (217) 544-9670 (Good luck with that!) The Chicago office is at P.O. Box 802799, Chicago, IL 60680-2799 and the telephone is (312) 427-6300 (for an even more masochistic experience!) And that fax is (312) 427-6401. By the way, they also give an e-mail address on their website: info@obamaforillinois.com Use it at your own risk!


Michael Moore's Patriotism

I know that some of you (and you know who you are) heaved a sigh of relief when the latest obstacle was put in place to prevent the airing of Fahrenheit 9/11 before the election. "That fat guy was going to embarass us again...now we don't have to worry...He's such a loudmouth. And that ego! He travels around with all those people!" and so on... I think you need to read this piece called, .Michael Moore's Patriotism
Yes, of course, there are even some of the left who would prefer that Moore be a little more cautious in his comments, a little more mainstream in his critique. There are a lot of liberals who get scared when their tribunes start talking too much about issues of race, class and empire building.To our view, however, it is when Moore is blunt that he sounds most American.This country was not founded by polite people. The American revolution did not follow Robert's Rules of Order. The America experiment was launched in revolt against the existing order, against corrupt kings and their equally corrupt business partners. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and their kind rejected the divine right of kings; they did not believe that power should pass from one King George to another. And the best of their number, Tom Paine, preached the healing power of revolution - not just for America but for the world.
Well, guess what? It's not over until it's over...If "liberal" America manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, many will just crawl into their holes, or flee "to a better place." But you know what? Michael Moore will still be making films (even if he has to do it in secret). When did so many others become cowards?

For those of you who would like to hear Michael Moore's great interview on NPR's Fresh Air, it is
here. It was taped Thursday before the story of the F9/11 broadcast cancellation broke, but he does talk about it. Listen!


We Do What We Can...

I received the expected angry responseto the letter from my last post from Mr. Wade, which included, "exactly who the heck are you?" a somewhat defensive listing of the work he has done "on the front lines", plus a bit more of the same claims about Michael Moore, and how "money can do anything" as well as the claim I quoted in my reply below. He also called me ignorant and stupid and asked, "What have you been doing sir, i mean besides criticizing people erroneously?" (obviously missing the point of my rhetorical question at the end). But really, I wasn't angry at him, but at an attitude which I only saw reflected in his original letter. And besides his reply didn't end that harshly:
If this sounded harsh, i apologize, i usually am more Christian, but you attacked me without any basis or fact. We can certainly try to start over and have a rational discussion.

So I felt compelled to explain...


The reason I was so harsh in my criticism was exactly so that you would react and think about this: Why do we criticize others without fully knowing what they are doing? I critized you (and I know it was unfair), but your implied criticism of Moore ("The line about how well he did on the film does not imply envy, grow up. What it does is highlight that he may need to sacrifice some to get this done. It is one thing to travel the country and rouse the slackers, it is another to actually sacrifice cash.") shows you don't know anything about him either, so now perhaps you might know how he feels. Michael Moore does put his money where his mouth is, but he doesn't make a big deal about it. That's who he is. I'm sorry that you ended up being the target, but too many people have said similar "ignorant" things, and I thought it might be time to let someone know how it felt.No, I have no connection to Michael Moore, but I have great respect for his work and what he has done for things that matter. Until today, I was not aware of your efforts, so maybe if I had been, I would have been a little more tolerant. However, if we are ever to get important things accomplished, it won't be just one person with money, but everyone working together. Actually, I really didn't mean what I wrote to be a personal insult to you, but more of a general "rant" about expecting someone else to accomplish tasks we should be working on ourselves. You were just in the line of fire. It is certainly agreeable to me to "try to start over and have a rational discussion." I may even try to make some time to read some of your past articles and form a different impression. I can often be a harsh critic and know that I might have gone a little too far in your case, so I too hope that we can come to a better understanding in the future.


I wanted to share this exchange for the possible lesson it might lead us to: We are all doing hopefully what we can, and if we can do more, we should do more...but no one should judge us at a distance, because they do not stand in our shoes.

Is My Time Up Yet?

After a debate last Friday in which Dubya's most memorable lines were the title line above, and his puzzling attempt at humor, "Need some wood?", the wingnuts are on the ropes and attempting to fight back. Pointy-headed Sinclair Broadcasting, an unabashedly right-wing corporation, have announced plans to show a Kerry-bashing documentary on all their affilites, just before the election. This is to be disguised as "news programming" to circumvent election laws.

Understandably, there has been a flurry of opposition on the web, but no notice on the television networks. I've been trying to keep a thread going on the Randi Rhodes Show Message Board (one of the shows on Air America Radio) and many other sites have taken up the gaunlet. Most of the hope is focussed on the possibility of showing Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11. However, some of the postings have taken on a very demanding, do-it-for-me, tone. An example is Anthony Wade's An Open Plea to Michael Moore on OpEdNews.com. I invite you to read this letter, and then read the following that I emailed to Mr. Wade:

Mr. Wade,
I have some comments on your letter posted on OpEdNews. First, I find the tone a bit off. Why is it "An Open Plea"? Michael Moore is not your daddy, so I cannot understand the implication that he is withholding something that needs to be pleaded for. He will take a position on his film's possible broadcast when the options become clear, but this doesn't mean that it is entirely up to him. Everyone has a responsibility in this. And it really isn't a great idea to state, "That film also made you a lot of money," and expect that this is part of a convincing argument. It's actually nobody's business and just betrays an implied envy.
This is not only Michael Moore's battle, it is yours too. Where are the stations that would have the courage to show Fahrenheit 9/11, even if it were handed to them for free? If you think this is a situation that must be changed, then get off your butt and do what you can. Find a forum for the film's exhibition. Then Michael Moore can do what he can.
We are both on the same side of this issue, but I think that many are expecting Michael Moore to do what they could be helping to do themselves. We are all in this, and while some may have greater resources than others, we all have the ability to do something. Michael Moore is on the road right now, where are you?
Harold Marshall


Bad Days for Republicans

Their week started off bad. Monday's Western Massachusetts Pagan Pride Day in Amherst, probably had the Christofascist followers of the Bush Regime frothing at the mouth. Pagans of every sort gathered for "psychic readings, a drumming circle by the Ritual Arts Collective, acoustic guitar music, a collection of food for the hungry, and booths featuring crafts and products that appeal to pagans." In other words, just the type of activity that would send a Republican head spinning. Lynn Mlynarski, a 30-year veteran witch, had the following message for Laura:

"We don't eat cats or babies. We don't worship Satan. Everyone is welcome in sacred circles we create, no matter who you call a deity."

Then came Tuesday, and a bonus feature laden Fahrenheit 9/11 was released on DVD, but that wasn't all. Michael Moore has two new books: Will They Ever Trust Us Again?, a collection of letters sent by soldiers in Iraq, and The Official Fahrenheit 9/11 Reader, a companion volume to the film. And to add insult to injury, two of his previous films, Bowling for Columbine and The Big One, came to stores repackaged as the Michael Moore Limited Edition DVD Collector's Set. At the same time, Moore has been out on The Slacker Uprising Tour, "a coast-to-coast effort to bring the non-voting majority out of hibernation and kick some political butt." To encourage "slackers" to register and vote on November 2, Moore has been offering to "give the guys a 3-pack of new Fruit of the Loom underwear, and the women get a day's supply of Ramen noodles, the sustenance of slackers everywhere." This has sent Republicans over the edge, and they're trying to have charges brought against Moore for "bribery." Prosecutors have been less than enthusiastic, and Moore has responded:

"It's ironic that Republicans have no problem with allowing assault weapons out on our streets, yet they don't want to put clean underwear in the hands of our slacker youth. The Republicans seem more interested in locking me up for trying to encourage people to participate in our democracy than locking up Bin Laden for his attacks on our democracy."

Then the debate between "Big Dick" Cheney and John Edwards later that evening confirmed their run of "bad luck." Cheney made no effort at warmth, and certainly didn't let truth stand in the way. Interestingly, he seemed to be using the same tired playbook that Bush had used days earlier, and had even less success. Apparently thinking that Edwards would be an easy mark, he glibly lied from beginning to end, thinking that no one would be smart enough to notice. Years ago, this might have worked, but words and deeds have a way of leaving a trail on the internet. It was obvious at the debate's end that Edwards has done very well, but it wasn't until Wednesday morning that it began to be seen how badly Cheney had done.

Lie after lie began to surface. The website cited by the vice president in his (and the administration's) defense, Factcheck.com, brought people to the site run by Bush opponent, George Soros, who, under the headline, WHY WE MUST NOT RE-ELECT PRESIDENT BUSH, graciously provided a link to the website Cheney had probably intended. Cheney's assertion that, "I have not suggested there is a link between Iraq and 9/11," was obviously false as the words left his mouth, but recordings gathered by the next day drove the point home again and again. This had been the Cheney mantra, and one that couldn't be denied. His attempts to demean Edwards had little substance, but his statement to his opponent derisively claiming, "I have never met you before tonight," went into the realm of compulsive lying. There were videotapes, pictures, and many witnesses to past meetings, making this another pathetic attempt to bend the truth. Even Cheney's silences were attempts to cover up reality, as when Edwards mentioned the fact of Cheney's opposition to funding for Head Start and Meals On Wheels, and his antipathy to Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. His simple reply was, "No comment."

The day that Dick Cheney was silenced is how one analyst saw the debate, and one can only hope he is right, but you know, this has really made me look forward to Friday night's Bush-Kerry rematch.


God Versus Bush

God called early this morning and woke me up. Of course, God always insists on using the speakerphone, so I'm never able to understand more than half of what is being said, but it had something to do with punishing Florida, and then I heard what sounded like a web address. Before I could ask about it, God took another call, and never got back to me... I think it's this one.


The Turning Point

Dubya's Most Memorable Debate Statements

George Bush's words are his own best indictment. This evil clown is so oblivious to his own stupidity, that even as he makes some ignorant gaffe, he will stop and smirk, thinking he is clever. His claims to the contrary, he has no compassion for others, and has never known a moment of self-criticism. Here are a few of his statements from last night's debate:

George Bush has finally set our minds at ease. Why do we need better government when we have George?

Of course we're doing everything we can to protect America. I wake up every day thinking about how best to protect America. That's my job.
And so what if thousands more die in a pointless war in Iraq? Just give 'em some lovin' and a little "understanding".

You know, every life is precious. Every life matters. You know, my hardest -- the hardest part of the job is to know that I committed the troops in harm's way and then do the best I can to provide comfort for the loved ones who lost a son or a daughter or a husband or wife. You know, I think about Missy Johnson. She's a fantastic lady I met in Charlotte, North Carolina. She and her son Brian, they came to see me. Her husband PJ got killed. He'd been in Afghanistan, went to Iraq. You know, it's hard work to try to love her as best as I can, knowing full well that the decision I made caused her loved one to be in harm's way. I told her after we prayed and teared up and laughed some that I thought her husband's sacrifice was noble and worthy. Because I understand the stakes of this war on terror. I understand that we must find Al Qaida wherever they hide.
We need to just keep going in America's heavenly crusade, and we need to name our enemies with a little Texas flair...

On Iran, I hope we can do the same thing, continue to work with the world to convince the Eye-ranian moo-lahs to abandon their nuclear ambitions.

Yes, and we must not forget the new Affiliates Program in the Philippines...

But the front on this war is more than just one place. The Philippines -- we've got help -- we're helping them there to bring -- to bring Al Qaida affiliates to justice there.
And lest you think it's all just fun and games, now the enemy has become vociferous.

In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. You know why? Because an enemy realizes the stakes. The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their ideology of hatred. That's why they're fighting so vociferously.
And if you don't think it's hard, you can watch your Tee-Vee.

And now we're fighting them now. And it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work. And I'm optimistic. See, I think you can be realistic and optimistic at the same time. I'm optimistic we'll achieve -- I know we won't achieve if we send mixed signals. I know we're not going to achieve our objective if we send mixed signals to our troops, our friends, the Iraqi citizens.
And, finally, if you don't like something that has been said, just keep on saying it...again and again and again...

Plus, he says the cornerstone of his plan to succeed in Iraq is to call upon nations to serve. So what's the message going to be: Please join us in Iraq. We're a grand diversion. Join us for a war that is the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time? I know how these people think. I deal with them all the time. I sit down with the world leaders frequently and talk to them on the phone frequently. They're not going to follow somebody who says, “This is the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time.” I know how these people think. I deal with them all the time. I sit down with the world leaders frequently and talk to them on the phone frequently. They're not going to follow somebody who says this is the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time. They're not going to follow somebody whose core convictions keep changing because of politics in America.
[Note for armchair psychiatrists: The psychological implications of Bush's performance in the debate bring up a few interesting questions. Bush has a brain, but what kind of brain it is needs to be established. We've all suspected that Oedipal tendencies were at work, and the loss of brain function due to alcohol and drug abuse is evident, but there may be more. The above part was Bush's classic moment of echolalia, a condition where a certain phrase gets stuck in the mind and is repeated, over and over. It is often found in those suffering from autism, and other severe disorders. This was a text-book example.

Echolalia is the repetition or echoing of verbal utterances made by another person. Immediate echolalia is defined as the repetition of a word or phrase just spoken by another person. Delayed echolalia has been defined as the "echoing of a phrase after some delay or lapse of time" - Thanks to the Autism Home Page! ]


Pentagon Restricts Overseas Voters

George Bush, are you blocking my IP again?

In another obvious attempt to restrict voting as much as possible, the Bush Administration is trying a new trick.

Americans abroad, whose votes could be crucial if the Nov. 2 presidential election proves close, are being denied access to a U.S. Department of Defense Web site designed to make it easier for them to cast absentee ballots. The problem concerns blocks placed on access to the Web site of the Federal Voting Assistance Program, a Defense Department division to help expatriate American voters, including servicemen and women. The site's address is www.fvap.gov

Entire "suspect" countries may be blocked, making absentee voting difficult, if not impossible, for large segments of the overseas population.
"It has the potential to disenfranchise anyone who does not live next to a U.S. Embassy," Rierson said in a telephone interview. But he also noted that the Democratic Party has set up the site www.overseasvote2004.com, where even people using blocked ISPs can still register.

While the blocking is explained as an attempt to prevent "hacking", the blocked list makes no sense, unless it is intended to restrict anti-Bush votes.
Rierson said the 27 ISPs known to have been blocked included Yahoo Broadband in Japan, Wanadoo in France, and those of Telefonica in Spain and China Telecom, among others.

The entire article is available at the Common Dreams Newscenter.

Online Wingnut Chicanery

Fascists Claw Their Way Across the Web

I thought maybe it was my fault, as this weblog is a relatively new experience for me, and my dark sense of humor tends to dwell on what I see wrong, not what I think is right. So when I added "content sensitive" ads, and found that I'm getting a stream of nazi/fascist crap, at first I blamed my writing style. As fast as I can ask that ads be removed, new, even more insidious examples appear, a bloated glut of conservative frenzy. They have no self respect, and are willing to spend money, even on my weblog, in the hope they can snag one more soul to their evil cause. All in all, a depressing situation, and I can only ask that you bear with it until I discover if it can be controlled. In the meantime, please remember that I do not endorse (or choose) the ads. Perhaps the situation will improve, or perhaps the ads will have to go away. Time will tell...


Moore Foes Offer F9/11 DVD Swap

The latest news from the Bizarro Universe!

I'll never understand the mental twists it takes to remain loyal to someone like Bush, but now I'm even beginning to believe that it is actually a form of dementia. I would have missed this article if a Google search hadn't ended up with me getting literally highjacked over to the notorious Free Republic site where true believers were seriously discussing a story from the Toronto Star.
The original article begins the story with tongue firmly in cheek:

A right-wing American publisher is trying to save the world from Michael Moore, one DVD at a time.
California-based World Ahead Publishing is offering to exchange copies of Moore's controversial film, Fahrenheit 9/11, which comes out on DVD on Oct. 5, for a copy of its latest book, Thank You President Bush: Reflections on the War on Terror, Defense of the Family, and Revival of the Economy. "In urban areas, city leaders periodically sponsor gun `buy-back' programs to help reduce gun violence," the publishing company said in a release leaked to the Star last night. "Similarly, the Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD Buy-Back program is designed to protect Americans from harm, especially young children who might accidentally slip this dangerous propaganda into the living room DVD player.

However the "freepers" were literally plotting out an action plan to facilitate the trade-ins. They rationalized that no one would really want to see this "propaganda" at home, since they only went to see it in the first place to "fit in" as liberals. And why wouldn't everyone want a book about the glories of Bush instead? They see only one reason: "Unfortunately, a lot of scum bag leftists will buy the DVD to show their kids and their kids friends."

Are they really living in the Bizarro Universe? Or is their fear driving them mad?

The original story is at The Toronto Star. If you're looking for the freepers, you'll have to find them yourself.


Deutsche Welle puts Klingon online!

tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe!

Geeks are dancing in the streets! (Well, they would be if they weren't so busy in front of their computers or watching Star Trek re-runs...) The German radio service, Deutsche Welle, is celebrating 10 years of its online service by adding a new language to the 30 already offered - Klingon. The Deutsche Welle Klingon pages are also offered in German and English translations for those few of you that haven't bothered to learn Klingon yet.

While originally developed in 1984 to add authenticity to characters of the Star Trek television series, the works of Shakespeare and the Bible have already been translated into Klingon, and there is even a Klingon Language Institute "We should celebrate our 10-year presence in the online universe with a cross-border language. This should help users from other galaxies get an impression of Germany," according to DW director Erik Bettermann.


From the Carrion Crow Archives No.1

Bachman Hall Sit-in, University of Hawaii, May, 1968

My faulty memory tells me this was the night we were arrested. I'm the serious young man at the lower right who at least looks like he knows he's about to be arrested. This picture was slated for an issue of the Crow that was never published (number 9). For more photos of protest in Hawaii, check out Ian Lind's
Old kine pictures for the Bachman Hall Sit-in, Kalia Road, and many other landmarks of activism, all great stuff from his original negatives. Also, you need to check out Lind's fine weblog, a really interesting mixture of Hawaii life, politics, and...cats! Lots of great pictures! Anyway, you can check in at iLind.net for "Ian Lind online from Kaaawa, Hawaii"


Flicks For The Far Right

American Film Renaissance asks "Where are the films for normal people?"

I know you intended to go, and maybe just forgot, but Salon.com has provided a fine run-down of America's first Neocon film festival which ended Sept. 12. And you better believe, morality was in the house. Speaking at the American Film Renaissance's small opening-night reception at the Dallas Intercontinental last Friday, the right-wing film critic Michael Medved praised the Christian message of The Passion of the Christ and then called for the inclusion of more demeaning portrayals of gay people in the mass media:

"Every single image of homosexuality you see on TV is positive. It's not only positive, it's glowing. It's saintly. When was the last time you saw a nasty gay character? A degraded gay character?"

The right has gone wild at the success of recent political documentaries, especially Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11:

According to the story that festival founder Jim Hubbard, 35, told repeatedly to journalists and attendees, he was inspired to create the American Film Renaissance after he and his wife, a pretty, bouffant blonde named Ellen, went to an art house theater one night and were distressed to find that their only choices were Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine and the Frida Kahlo biopic Frida, about "a communist artist."
"Where are the films for normal people?" he asked.

The line-up included The Siege of Western Civilization, the 45-minute fledgling effort by Herb Meyer, DC 9/11: Time of Crisis, about Bush's masterful handling of 9/11, Operation Eagle Strike, made by Protest Warriors Kfir Alfia and Alan Davidson, Innocents Betrayed, which attributes most of the ills of the 20th century to gun-control, and a 45-minute documentary about double standards and PC excesses on college campuses, Brainwashing 101.

One of the more amusingly bad selections was Jack Cashill's Mega Fix, in which Cashill, a thin, craggy man with a reassuringly amiable voice, delivers a lunatic monologue about Bill Clinton and terrorism. According to Cashill, a columnist for WorldNet Daily, Islamic terrorists, some with ties to Iraq, were behind the Oklahoma City bombing, the downing of Flight 800 and the bombing at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Clinton, corrupt and pusillanimous, covered all this up because he didn't want to go to war. His Justice Department preferred to pin the blame for Oklahoma City on "these two perfect specimens of right-wing American manhood" because it would help them discredit Newt Gingrich and the Republican revolutionists of 1994.

Of course, Michael Moore was a main target, with two anti-Moore films on the bill: Michael and Me, an anti-gun-control work by talk-show host Larry Elder, and the ambitious Michael Moore Hates America by Michael Wilson.
Wilson seems to pride himself on his open mind, but he often seems either naive or willfully blind. That's true in person, as well. Over drinks at the Intercontinental on Saturday night, I suggest to Wilson that, although Moore might have erred in using an unsuspecting and unwilling amputee to illustrate his point, things in Iraq are indeed awful, and many soldiers feel marooned and furious. A voluble chain-smoker with platinum streaks in his hair, Wilson replies, "I've talked to tons of soldiers who say it's like a Fourth of July parade every time they roll into town." Perhaps because of all the explosions.
Most irritating of all is Wilson's titular accusation. Part of the political fallout from 9/11 has been the emergence of cultural vigilantes who've taken it upon themselves to defame the insufficiently jingoistic. In his Pulitzer Prize-winning 1962 book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, the historian Richard Hofstadter wrote of American intellectuals' historic ambivalence toward their country and of "the tension between protest and affirmation that had been most often associated with great achievement." In trying to root out the element of protest in national thought -- all while paying insincere lip service to their respect for dissent -- people like Wilson make themselves the enemies of intellect. They become the enforcers and purveyors of the most squalid philistinism.

Well, there's always next year...

Salon.com has Michelle Goldberg's full story at Flicks for the far right
(If you are not a Salon subscriber you can watch a short "commercial" to get a "day pass" for the site)


Bartender School Gradutes for Truth

Sean, please say it isn't true!!

A new ad has surfaced targeting right-wing media liar, Sean Hannity. I listened to it...and what I want to know is if Hannity can prove these accusations are not true. These guys sounded sincere to me. For God's sake, some of them were bartenters! I don't know why bartenders would lie. Hannity never should have brought it up, if he didn't want it talked about! Did he molest those children? He needs to come clean about his sordid past...

You may download the ad and listen for yourself:


Will Old Coyote take a stand?

Many cultures have stories of the Trickster, and while to some it may be Crow, Raven, Fox, or even Rabbit, many people, especially the traditional peoples of California and the West, look to Coyote to fill that role. Coyote's had enough adventures to fill countless books with tales of error and redeption. His humorous mistakes tell an important story of how we shouldn't act in life, because who wants to hear stories about how we should act? Coyote is still telling these stories, but not many listen these days. Sometimes, he comes over in the morning asking for a cup of coffee, and in exchange, he tells me a story. Sometimes I write them down. Now he's nagging me to post a few of them, so you'll have to watch this weblog to see what happens....

Coyote rides the rails


An Iraqi view of Fahrenheit 9/11

I'm a great admirer of Faiza Jarrar's wonderful weblog, A Family in Baghdad Of all the Iraqi weblogs, her's has evolved into a powerful, emotional statement of the reality of today's Iraq. She posts in Arabic, and a few days later it gets translated. So if you are confronted with a page of Arabic, just scroll down to see the latest translated post. In a recent entry she gives her "review" of Fahrenheit 9/11:

We bought a DVD of Michael Moore's Documentary film (Fahrenheit 9/11). I hardly got a copy with difficulty, every day I went to the shop and asked, the salesman would tell me that all available copies were finished. I was amazed because I thought the Iraqis haven't heard about it yet…I felt glad that they are buying and watching it, a healthy sign. I love for Iraqis to open their eyes upon every thing a new…to see, hear, and understand what goes on in the near-far world... enough for them were the years of darkness and ignorance they lived in during the Saddam era. Now they are subjected to a serious overcasting in vision. There are those who want to attract their attention to a certain direction, and distract their attention from others, and I pray to God that the eyes, ears, and hearts of the Iraqis would remain alert, and open to understand what goes on around them, and wouldn’t go back to the prior condition of slumber. Perhaps some of those who want to re-make the new Iraq want to use the same methods of Saddam Hussein in intimidating and terrorizing us, so they could pass up and implement what is best for their interests…without respect to the people's interest, future, or national independence.

For me, the (Fahrenheit) film didn't come up with a new viewpoint, for through this site, I get hundreds of letters monthly, and read the different viewpoints of American citizens, and this film came to prove that the American society today is divided among itself: between a supporter of the war and the Bush policy, and an opponent to both… and the letters say what the film didn't…the letters say that they would choose Kerry not because he is better than Bush, for he didn't represent a clear, convincing program, but because they got tired of Bush and his aggressive tide of dealing in the foreign policy, for he hits, bombs, and destroys, thinking he is protecting America and its people, and in truth he is creating new enemies for America, who wish for a chance to hit back with the same aggression and cruelty. This means spreading the spirit of revenge among humans and nations as a dialogue language, instead of the language of peace and respect, which is a language that creates friends, and keeps the balance of the state from collapsing, reducing the psychological pressures on people, the constant feelings of fear and terror, the continual departure of their sons and daughters to join in wars that do not end…Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran on the way, then perhaps Korea….and, to what end???? The road of wars, hostility, and hatred has no end……and the American people see that they are paying the price of this clumsy policy, the results are not always fascinating, as the Bush government is trying to convince them. Iraq did not live happy days during the war or afterwards, did not reap beautiful fruits from this war, and even its causes became a subject of suspicion and discussion… it did not give happiness to the Iraqi people, nor to the Americans, nothing but destruction, killings, and lies, and more lies to cover up the previous lies, and so on….months and years go by, and here we are, waiting for signs of well-being, and see nothing but bombings, violence, and score-settling, and endless excuses to clarify the delay of the process of re-building Iraq? The Fallujah file isn't closed yet, the violence is still the dialogue language, and here's another file opened, that of the fighting against Al-Sader and his supporters… If I were a prime Minister, and loved my people, I would have said to all factions: please be seated to a dialogue table…we want what is good to Iraq and the Iraqis, we want to build Iraq all over again…lets hear what you have to say, let us try and talk together… but the on-coming American thinks in an aggressive way, in Bush's way, strike your foe and do not talk to him….How are we to build a free, democratic country, while we hit the opponents and destroy them, instead of listening to them??? Is it wise to accuse them of being enemies and criminals before talking with them, and listening to their political speech?? Even an accused has the right to defend himself in front of the judge… but the Iraqi Resistance's image was distorted, and many acts of destruction and violence were attached to it, in order to give a reason for eliminating it. And the people…where are the people?? Aren't they supposed to decide their destiny?? Aren't they who decide whom they want, and whom they don’t want??What is happening now in Iraq is a very painful thing; the people are far away from the decision, America, unaccompanied, is putting the government under pressure, to carry on some program, that serves the interests of some factions, inside and out. Then, after the end of the blood, killings, and destruction series, they will wash their hands, open the doors, and tell the Iraqi people, smiling: Please come in, its time now for the democracy game, the field is clean, as WE want it to be........... So…this is how things happen, that who watches and understands, would almost be killed by grief, but he should hold on to patience, and the belief in GOD…for all goes by HIS will, not that of Mr. Bush's.

And going back to the (Fahrenheit) film… It has asked some questions about the mysterious relation between the Taliban, Saudi Arabia, and the Bush administrations, senior and junior. About the oil and construction companies, and the September blasting, the removal of Bin-Laden's relatives to Saudi Arabia safely, and secretly. The events that didn't contain one single Iraqi defendant, how did it turn against the miserable Iraqis, and led to a war against them, making them pay for a crime committed by another….where is the justice in all this? How did they convince the Americans that their enemies are these unjustly-treated, and sanctioned people, deprived of their rights for tens of years? Toppling the regime didn't take long…but the daily torture of the Iraqis isn't finished yet, since the downfall of Baghdad, till now…Where is the aspect of success in this war?? Yes, I cried for the scenes of Iraqis wailing and crying in the days of air raids in Iraq, and no one showed them any mercy and stopped the torture…as if the whole world colluded against us, either supporting Bush, or fearing him…then the pictures of Iraqis, at night in their houses, and the occupation forces raiding houses, the son lying on the floor, hands bound, the mother sitting on the stairs, crying in the dark, asking: what did my son do? Shame on you, he is a third-year collage student….How many beautiful things were broken, ripped apart by this war??? Our lives, relations, our whole outlook to the world has collapsed, but the happiness with which Bush promised us didn't come, the happiness by which he justified the war, so he could bring freedom and welfare to the Iraqis…Is he really concerned with us?? Did he ever read the diaries of our pains and torture? Did he apologize for what he brought of chaos and destruction into our lives?…. I don't think so… he didn't , and he never will….he gives adulations only to the American who pays taxes, then sends his children to join in killing us, and destroying our lives…under the slogan of (A Beautiful, Free Iraq)….It is we who live like this every day…and the American here protects himself in every possible way, so he could get back home safely, healthy, and happy, meeting the press, TV Networks and Internet, speaking about his sacrifices here for the Iraqis. Yes…thank you…we see the other side of the picture…away from the media and publicity…the true face of which we write in our diaries…At the end of the film there was some mention of the contracts signed with American Companies, in fantastic numbers, to implement projects in Iraq…then sub-contracting them to Iraqi contractors with humble fees… The film didn't come up with any made-up story, all that he mentioned here was true…we thank Michael Moore and his truthful, transparent spirit, with which he dealt with the film's atmosphere, from beginning to end. I thank him, and thank the beautiful face of America, which supported Moore in bringing this film to light. It had humanity and fairness in dealing with the Iraqi human-being. Not only the American is worthy of being mourned by mother and friends, the Iraqi also deserves to find someone to cry upon him, for he is a human, with a past, memories, a father and a mother, a family, relatives and friends…. Who grieve for the news of his death…cry for him, and feel angry at those who started this accursed war.


Surprise: Mike "Savage" Weiner is voting Bush!

Who could have seen this coming? Media Matters for America has reported that Mike Weiner has been so disgusted by the Democratic Convention that he's "decided" that he must vote for Dubya. He had this to say on his July 28 show:

You know something; I'm voting for Bush, I just made up my mind. There's nothing in this for me. I'm a white male, I'm a white, male, married heterosexual -- I don't want the Democrats. Everywhere I turn, there's another hot coal in my eye. For example, today's DNC calendar of public events included lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender meeting, the disability meeting, the ethnic meeting, the American Indian meeting, the Asian/Pacific Islander meeting, the Hispanic meeting, and the African American meeting -- God bless 'em, they're entitled to their meeting, I'm entitled to my vote, they're not my party, end of story. And that's it. I'm not voting for a party of ethnic minorities and women and immigrants.

It wasn't so very long ago that I had no idea who this asshole was. He was just another in a long list of hate-spewing right-wingers that I don't listen to. I have no fascination with the ideas of racists. Then came a disturbing revelation: I not only knew of him, I actually knew him well enough to have cultivated a deep dislike. These were the musings that I wrote about my moment of realization:

"...A man does not go forward through life along a straight, horizontal path; often he does not stop at the stations indicated on the time table; sometimes he goes off the track completely; sometimes he dives below and is lost for a time, or he takes to the air and is flung against the side of a steep cliff...What goes on at every moment in the life of each and every man is something forever unfathomable and inexhaustible to relate. No man can possibly relate the whole story..." --Henry Miller

People constantly reinvent themselves. Actors have made it their art, and fat radio show hosts are no different. Rush Limbaugh is a good example and his contradictions have been well studied. Michael "Savage" is another matter.I have never listened to Michael "Savage". I don't spend any time listening to hate radio because my philosophy does not allow me to "bind" myself to things things which I despise. However, I can't help but be aware of him especially with his recent statements about the prisoners of Abu Gh'raib.Last night, over on the Media Matters for America website I saw the following item:

Savage: "the Asians still chew 'em [dogs] up

On the May 21 Savage Nation, nationally syndicated radio host Michael Savage expressed disdain for a newspaper article about "what breeds of dogs came first" that did not include that "the Asians still chew 'em [dogs] up." SAVAGE: [apparently reading from an article in USA Today] "Researchers have surprising news about what breeds of dogs came first and which dogs are more closely related." What do I give a rat's behind about which dog is related? Why is this study done? All I know is we treat dogs very well here, and the great originators of the dog eat them. How come they don't put that in their story about 'em, the Asians still chew 'em up? In China they're in cages waiting to be cooked. Yeah, I know, you're not supposed to say that. All the quiet, sacred soy eaters over there."
— N.C.Posted to the web on Tuesday May 25, 2004

Nothing is very original about this ugly statement. Its cliched racism is almost feeble. However, two things caught my eye. Why did he use the politically correct term "Asian" when more highly-charged racist ones were available? And what about the statement's ending: "All the quiet, sacred soy eaters over there." What the hell was that supposed to mean? Anyone else would have dismissed the whole thing as meaningless garbage spewed out to fill radio time. Of course, I'm not anyone else...I began Googling "Michael Savage" and there it was! Michael (Weiner) Savage! I already knew I didn't know anything about Mr. Savage, but it had finally dawned on me that I knew a lot about Mike Weiner...

In the summer of 1969, after a few months away to attend art school in San Francisco, I returned to Honolulu, Hawaii, to live with my girlfriend. She was a student at the University (as I had been earlier) and since I had returned totally addicted to film culture, we decided to start a film society at UH. Ours was named with the mysterious acronym, CROW, and presented classic and serious foreign films. A rival group, the Village East Film Society, specialised in avant-garde, cult, and exploitation films. Needless to say, Village East made more money. And who were the marketing geniuses who gave people what they wanted? Michael Weiner and his wife Janet. Really now, how could the Japanese classic Throne of Blood or Fritz Lang's Metropolis compete with Pink Flamingos, Paul Morrissey's transvestite-liberation opus, Women in Revolt, cult favorites like Brand X, Putney Swope, and Dynamite Chicken, or Andy Warhol's controversial Blue Movie? The Weiners gave the University what they wanted and what they wanted was more of the same...

I personally have no problem with any of the films I've mentioned, and to be honest, I can't remember a single film that Mike Weiner chose to show that I would object to on a moral basis. I wonder however, what the homophobic "Michael Savage" would have to say about them? Certainly, the bulk of the films celebrated sex of every conceivable kind (and yet not even Mike had imagined the fims of Abu Gh'raib).

Now, perhaps you say that the morally lax Michael Weiner had some sort of "religious" conversion, reborn as the upright Michael Savage? Well, not until a few more reinventions. In the mid-70's he moved to San Francisco to get a PhD in Botany, and published 3 books filled with material ripped-off from older enthnobotanical studies. He then tried to ingratiate himself into the North Beach "Beatnik" community, covered in the interesting article Savage Beatnik. More of his exploits are covered by the site Michael Savage Sucks and they have links to a wealth of material. Most recently, Salon.com has labelled him, Michael Savage: America's laziest fascist. Well, Mike, you sure have been busy! Boy were we all wrong when we thought you were just a fat haole from New York. I'm really sorry for all the pranks I used to play on you...


THE Democratic Convention

Chicago welcomes the youth of America (August 26, 1968)

When I hear the words, "Democratic Convention," the first images that come to mind are always those from THAT convention 36 years ago, in 1968. While I didn't take part in those demonstrations, fate provided a very unusual experience connected to them that ensures I will never forget.
I was returning to California from Boston (with a scheduled several hour lay-over in Chicago) and while aware of what was planned for the convention, I had already experienced a long and hard Spring and Summer, and really wasn't thinking about any involvement. When I boarded the plane in Boston, I started noticing lots of very large guys dressed as construction workers boarding the plane and going up into first class. Some even carried "hard hats" and lunch-boxes with them. I was no stranger to flying, but had never seen anything quite like this.
I asked one of the stewardesses, and she said that she didn't know who they were but thought it "very strange." All was quiet on the flight, and everyone seemed very well behaved, but the moment we landed in Chicago, all hell broke loose...As they departed the plane, the "workers" began immediately picking fights with select people in the terminal. Each of their victims could generally be described as young and "hippy-looking". They were being kicked, choked, and knocked out of ticket lines.
I stood for a moment very confused by what I was seeing until the stewardess grabbed my arm and took me into one of the bar lounges for safety. I ended up hiding out in this lounge several hours until it was time to catch my plane out of there...Later, I found out that Chicago's fine Mayor Daley Senior had hired many such goons to break up and discredit the protests. They were described in the media as "Silent Majority" workers rising to their "patriotic duty".
It took many years for me to regain even a little respect for the Democratic Party, let alone politics in general. What had been the promise of Robert F. Kennedy, with his death, had been twisted into a nomination for Johnson's lackey, Hubert Humphrey. And of course, Nixon won, and maybe that was the point all along...
Now it looks as though this Democratic Convention will be a relatively tame affair. No one expects any serious protests or any surprises, barring the rumored bogus al-Qaeda "attack" hinted at by Bush's boys. No, the "action" probably will be at the GOP convention in New York, next month. Many groups have promised protests and the Republicans are furiously working to thwart their plans. I believe there will be violence, but its extent is still to be seen. Much depends on how desperate Bush has become by August. If "regime change" seems likely, it could be very brutal indeed.
I can't tell anyone whether to go or not, but if you are sincere in your protest, I say that you should follow your heart. But beware, no one can be counted on to treat you fairly. Keep your eyes open and don't let your guard down.


It must be true, I read it on the web!

How many times have you seen an item on the web that simply paraphrases another web source without question? Soon, the story has a life of its own, and each new version adds its own embellishments. These "according to" stories are everywhere, but one particular story caught my attention and led me down an interesting path of discovery. It was from the online version of a Scottish newspaper, The Sunday Herald, entitled "Moore: Pirate my film, no problem." The July 4 story quoted Michael Moore:

Controversial film-maker Michael Moore has welcomed the appearance on the internet of pirated copies of his anti-Bush documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 and claimed he is happy for anybody to download it free of charge.
The activist, author and director told the Sunday Herald that, as long as pirated copies of his film were not being sold, he had no problem with it being downloaded.
"I don't agree with the copyright laws and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labour. I would oppose that," he said.
"I do well enough already and I made this film because I want the world, to change. The more people who see it the better, so I'm happy this is happening."

A link to this story had been posted in a discussion thread where I was arguing that downloading Fahrenheit 9/11 was not only illegal, but really an insult to Moore's efforts. And then, Hey, buddy, Mike says it's okay! What was I to think?

Actually, I thought it sounded really familiar ...

A CNN.com story from July 2 had said the following:

The war between Michael Moore and his critics has escalated, with a Web site targeting the "Fahrenheit 9/11" director posting a link to an illegal "Fahrenheit" file download. In the process, it also attacked the filmmaker's stance on copyright law.
A June 27 posting on the site www.MooreWatch.com invites visitors to download the film. It quotes Moore, though it doesn't cite a source, as encouraging such downloading by saying: "I don't agree with the copyright laws, and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people. As long as they're not doing it to make a profit, you know, as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labor. I would oppose that."

The difference was that this earlier article did not claim they had talked to Moore, but were just quoting the anti-Moore site.

I found an "update" on the Moorewatch site that added to the story:

Lest anyone think that Moore disagrees with people downloading his work product, consider this exchange during a press conference. Moore was asked by a reporter, "When people download your movies without paying for them, do you think it's a good thing because your message gets out?" Moore's reply:
"I don't agree with the copyright laws and I don't have a problem with people downloading the movie and sharing it with people. As long as they're not doing it to make a profit, you know, as long as they're not trying to make a profit off my labor. I would oppose that."
He then goes on about how he does very well financially from his books and films, so downloading his movie is really no big deal. If you would like to see the clip of Moore saying this, you can download the Torrent file and check it out yourself. So, Michael, if you decide to sue me for posting the Torrent for your film, know that I'll be playing this clip as our defense. Come on, big boy, sue me.

It turns out that this exchange was from a pre-Cannes press conference where Moore may have been caught off guard and said a little more than he should have. However, this is not the point. What is revealed here is that the claim that the alleged quotation in the Sunday Herald article was the result of an interview was a lie. It is just an embellishment of the older material. Was this just innocent plagiarism or malicious fabrication? I decided to find out.

I sent a rather "heated" email to the Sunday Herald expressing my concerns over the lack of credibility of the article, which I described as "indefensible." I reminded them that every other article on the subject was now using their piece as the justification for downloading, and that all of this could be traced back to Moorewatch.com. I asked that Iain Bruce, the author, issue a retraction and apology to Moore or, as an alternative, at least an honest statement of support for George Bush and the war in Iraq. I was curious to see the reply, if any...


So I decided to try a second email, directly to the author, trying to be a little calmer. It restated my questions about the article's authenticity, and said:

Your article is being cited as a justification for film piracy. I'm not certain this was your intent, but unless you set the record straight, you are indeed an accomplice to the crime. Why don't you try to be a real human being and admit your mistakes? It would be a good first step to correcting the harm you've done.

A couple of minutes later, the message was returned, with this part attached:

Action: failed
Status: 5.7.1
Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.7.1
This system has been configured to
reject your mail
X-Display-Name: Iain Bruce-fwd

As it turned out, Mr. Bruce was not only the author, but also the webmaster for this site, and had chosen the coward's way of dealing with the issue.

But it seems that persistence does pay off. Never one to give up easily, I tried the tactic of emailing David Milne, the editor of the Sunday Herald print edition. My main question was, "Did the Sunday Herald interview Michael Moore?"

About a day later, he replied, and this is the important portion of the email:

The information contained in the story - and the quotes attributed to Mr Moore - were supplied to the Sunday Herald by his press team as the direct result of an inquiry from one of our journalists.
The newspaper had become aware that copies of the film were circulating on the internet. Given the ongoing debate surrounding film piracy and the controversy generated by Mr Moore's movie it was considered newsworthy to solicit his views on this development.
We believe that the story accurately reflects those views and are not aware that Mr Moore - or any of his representatives - have questioned its veracity
If you believe the story to be inaccurate, or wish to challenge any of the views expressed within it we would be happy to consider a letter for publication.

While I have no reason to doubt that Mr. Milne was sincere in his belief that his "journalist", Iain Bruce, used original material for the piece, comparison to earlier posted articles shows otherwise. The statement that "the newspaper had become aware" of the downloads points to the original material on Moorewatch.com (or at the very least the article on CNN.com and another article on E! Online) as the catalyst of awareness.

Additionally, it is very interesting that the Sunday Herald article says:

The activist, author and director told the Sunday Herald that, as long as pirated copies of his film were not being sold, he had no problem with it being downloaded.

...and now I'm told that

The information contained in the story - and the quotes attributed to Mr Moore - were supplied to the Sunday Herald by his press team

Also, now it was clear that if you say something about a person, and they don't make a public denial, then it must be true!

Finally, while I appreciated the invitation to "challenge the views" of the article, I felt I must be stuck in some sort of Groundhog Day time loop, since that was the object of my first letter to the paper...Maybe I'm cursed to keep on writing that letter until I get it right.

I'm not sure if Michael Moore will ever choose to clear any of this up, but of course, why would he need to? There are so many who can already tell us what he thinks...

[Portions of this were originally posted, in somewhat different form, on the
Randi Rhodes Show Message Board]

An earlier incarnation (August 19, 1694)


The trouble with liars...

The Randi Rhodes Show Message Board was buzzing about a story posted by one of our trolls about Weapons of Mass Destruction. It seems the Reverend Moon's "house organ", The Washington Times had reported the discovery of nuclear missles in Iraq. The original story read:
Baghdad, Iraq, Jul. 21 (UPI) -- Iraqi security reportedly discovered three missiles carrying nuclear heads concealed in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad, official sources said Wednesday.The official daily al-Sabah quoted the sources as saying the missiles were discovered in trenches near the city of Tikrit, the hometown of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
"The three missiles were discovered by chance when the Iraqi security forces captured former Baath party official Khoder al-Douri who revealed during interrogation the location of the missiles saying they carried nuclear heads," the sources said.

The trouble with the story was that no one else reported it, and a short while later, it had been replaced with a story that had a little different take on the subject:
Baghdad, Iraq, Jul. 21 (UPI) -- A U.S. military official Wednesday denied a report of Iraqi missiles carrying nuclear warheads being found in a concrete trench northwest of Baghdad.
The daily al-Sabah newspaper Wednesday had quoted sources as saying three missiles armed with nuclear warheads were discovered in a trench near the city of Tikrit, the hometown of ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
A U.S. military spokesman in Tikrit told United Press International that the report was untrue.
"Nothing's been found. The report is not factual," said Master Sgt. Robert Cowens, a spokesman for the 1st Infantry Division, based in Tikrit.

But who wants to bet that we won't keep seeing references to the first version of the story quoted on right wing websites in defense of Bush and the lies that he used to justify the invasion of Iraq? There was no real retraction, just a replacement. I expect to see increasing numbers of these sensational faked stories as we near the election...


The Crow takes flight again

An early issue of The Carrion Crow (October 14, 1790)

No one really knows when the Carrion Crow began. Instances of it have appeared throughout history, always surfacing in times of trouble. My first involvement with the Crow began in 1967, while I was attending the University of Hawaii. Most of my friends were politically active locals, and one day we decided to start publishing the Crow. It was one of the first of its kind in Hawaii, obviously "underground", and a true exercise in newspaper anarchy. It had no real publishing schedule, and although originally (and optimistically) planned as a weekly, often months would pass without an issue. A war was going on then too, and much of the Crow's energy had to do with opposition to the course of the War in Viet Nam. But this Crow was a stange bird indeed. We were often critized for making fun of friends on the left (even when our jibes were very gentle) and because the Crow never had a completely fixed point-of-view. Looking back, it might be described as a humorously political mixture of The Weekly World News and Paul Krassner's The Realist, from a Hawaiian point of view...Each issue was different, depending on who wanted to be involved. No one was safe from criticism, not even myself. The university saw its last issue of the Carrion Crow in May of 1968, just as the campus erupted into protest. I have very fond memories of distributing the Crow as the Bachman Hall sit-in proceeded, and I even had copies with me in jail! And all these years later, I have often met those who were affected by this little publication--amused and sometimes inspired. One former sailor told me of secretly passing around copies aboard a U.S. Naval vessel in Pearl Harbor, and how much vicarious pleasure it gave to the sailors on their way to an uncertain future. The Crow could have been so much more, but what it was wasn't bad for the time.
Now these times cry out for the Crow's revival. Who knows where this may lead...